PETS-22 Program, filmer och presentationsbilder
Klicka på programpunkten för att starta den i youtube-filmen (länken tar dig dit punkten startar i filmen).
Klicka på BILDER för att öppna bilderna som visades (pdf).
- Välkommen och introduktion, Jan König (30 min) BILDER
- Presidentens uppgifter, Torbjörn Bergvall (45 min) BILDER
- Klubb- och medlemsutveckling, Claes Nilsson (30 min) BILDER
- Systemstöd ClubRunner, Anders Tihkan (15 min) BILDER
- The Rotary Foundation (TRF), Åsa Hörnberg ( 30 min) BILDER
- Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI), Torbjörn Bergvall (15 min) BILDER
- Avslutning, Jan König (3 min)
Se hela PETS-inspelningen här (länkarna ovan leder till starten för respektive programpunkt):
RI:s Zürichkontor ger stöd på svenska till distrikt och klubbar om Rotaryfrågor.
Alla länkar nedan kräver inloggning med RI-konto. Om du inte har ett My Rotary-konto använder du den här stegvisa guiden för att skapa ett.
Utbildning och material på svenska i MyRotary/Learning Center:

RI:s "Club Clinic"
Tools for incoming club leaders
Club presidents-elect, are you already thinking about how you’ll help your club succeed? You can get advice on planning for the coming year, creating an engaging club experience, and working with your leadership team to ensure your club runs smoothly by taking the Club President Basics courses in Rotary’s Learning Center.
Creating a club culture that’s welcoming to everyone starts with having conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion. Discussing these topics isn’t always easy, but the Creating an Inclusive Club Culture course in the Learning Center will help your club hold discussions, assess policies and practices, and make changes to create a more inclusive culture.
Creating a club culture that’s welcoming to everyone starts with having conversations about diversity, equity, and inclusion. Discussing these topics isn’t always easy, but the Creating an Inclusive Club Culture course in the Learning Center will help your club hold discussions, assess policies and practices, and make changes to create a more inclusive culture.
A message from Rotary’s chief strategy officer
Rotary’s Action Plan is our guide to achieving our vision of bringing even more people together to create lasting and positive change in an evolving world. As Rotary continues to make progress in the third year of our Action Plan, Tom Thorfinnson, Rotary’s chief strategy officer, updates members on the work we’re doing to achieve our four strategic priorities.